Saturday 22 October 2016


Hello everybody!

It's been a long time since I wrote my last post: on this month, I started to attend my last year of university, or at least the last one of my Bachelor's degree (I study Cross-cultural Communication). In fact, I would like to keep on studying to get also the specialist degree in Anthropology and Ethnology. We shall see!

However, as you can read in the title of this post, today we are dealing with books! I found this tag in a video of an Italian book-Tuber (here the link) and I've thought I could write my own list based on this unusual yet interesting tag.

1. Black: Name a series/book that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.
For me, it's the Harry Potter saga. I have to admit that I have never read any of the books, I have only watched the films, but I don't manage to get into it. I really like some of the characters, I love the theme of magic and the kind-of-gothic atmosphere, but there's nothing that encourages me to start to read all the books.

2. Peppermint mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.
The first one that comes in my mind is "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. When I was a child, I watched the Disney film, Mickey's Christmas Carol, in which there's Scrooge McDuck who plays Ebenezer Scrooge. Ah, what memories!

3. Hot chocolate: What is your favorite children's book?
When I went to England in 2013, I visited the Roald Dahl's museum at Great Missenden, so I say that my favourite children book is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". I have also watched the two films based on the book, the first version, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" (1971) starring Gene Wilder, and the last one, starring Johnny Depp, of the 2005.

4. Double shot of espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
One day, by chance, I watched on TV "Pride & Prejudice" and I loved it so much that I decided to read also the book, written by one my favourite writer: Jane Austen. Even if I already knew the plot, I couldn't stop reading it. I remember even at dinner I put the book on the table and I kept on reading it so that I didn't waste any minute.
5. Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.
I see everywhere "Me before you" by Jojo Moyes. I watched the film at the cinema and I think it's a nice film: the actors are really good and they manage to show a love story without being too banal.

6. That hipster coffee shop: Give a book by an indie author.
I use to read books written by famous authors, the so-called "classic" books, so I would like to mention the sequel of a book which is less famous than the first one: this book is "No Coward Soul", the sequel of "Reunion", written by Fred Uhlman. In "Reunion" the protagonist is Hans Schwarz, a Jewish boy who lives during the rise of the Nazi regime and who tells the story of his difficult friendship with Conrad Von Hohenfels, a young aristocrat. In "No coward soul", the point of view changes and the story is told by Conrad, who has the possibility to explain to his friend the reasons of his choices.

7. Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.
I've just finished reading "Island Beneath The Sea" by Isabel Allende. This is a book I began in 2014, but I never finished reading it: I stopped when I hadn't reached the middle of it yet, because I had to study for the High School diploma. The only thing I remembered was the fact that I liked it, so I convinced myself to find the time to re-read it from the first chapter. I had high expectation and now I can't say I didn't like it, but I would have liked to read a more realistic story.

8. The perfect blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.
I have two books for this category: "Asylum" by Patrick McGrath and "Elective Affinities" by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Both of them recounts tragic stories, even if they are completely different, from the setting to the characters to the topics, but I enjoyed reading them, because they are captivating from the beginning and the story is unpredictable.


If you want, fell free to write in the comments your own list or if you know some of the books I mention. 

Bye for now

Yours, Silvia

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